We pride ourselves on our knowledge of the industry – from set-up to sensors, we’ve got it covered.
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- Where can I get the latest firmware for my Climate Monitor?
- A. Firmware packages and instructions can be found on our FTP site. For version 2 monitors, click here, for version 3 monitors, click here.
- How do I know which firmware version my Climate Monitor is on?
- The firmware version can be found on the web console of your monitor, usually on the left hand side, underneath the Climate logo where the IP address and local time are shown. Version 2 monitors will have a firmware version of 2.x.x whilst version 3 will have 3.x.x
- My SMS alerts are not working
- The first thing to establish is if it is just your SMS alerts, or all email alerts that are not working. You can easily test this by using the `Send Test email` button in the Configuration page. If it is just SMS, click here. If it is SMS and email, click here.
- My SMS alerts are not working but other email alerts are.
- Please check the following:-
- The username and password for the account on the sending mail server are correct
- That your mail server allows that account to send external mails.
- Your mail server log files to ensure that it''s not the server stopping the mail.
- That the `From` address specified has not been changed since it was registered with us.
- None of my email alerts are working.
- Please check the following on the Configuration page:-
- The SMTP server and port are correct
- The Username and Password fields are completed with valid log on credentials for your sending email server.
Also- If the email addresses that are being sent the alerts are external addresses, ensure that mail server allows the sending account to send external mails.
- Check your mail server log files for any indication that the server is stopping the mails.
- How do I set up my Climate Monitor?
We recommend you set up your Climate monitor by directly connecting it to a computer using the following settings:-
- Power the unit up using the supplied power supply
- Ensure that the green power indicator is on. Soon after powering on, the green Ethernet status indicator will blink three times.
- Connect the unit to a local system using a cross-over cable.
- The orange Link indicator will turn on if a good link has been established. If the indicator does not light, then check the connections and/or try a new cross-over cable.
- Configure the network card on your PC with these settings:-
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Gateway: - Open a web browser and direct it to
- My sensors are showing up as unplugged, what does this mean?
All the sensors are connected to a common serial bus. If one sensor goes down, they may all go down if the bad sensor `jams` the bus or refuses to release it.
EM interference with the 1-wire signals could also be the cause. Check to see if the sensor cables are routed close to something that creates a lot of EM interference such as a generator, a large motor, or a large backup battery charger. Another source of interference is sensor wiring that runs parallel to the main power cables for any high current equipment such as an arc-welder, air compressor, or an HVAC unit. Try re-routing the sensor wiring away from these sensors to reduce interference. Another option is to attach a snap-on ferrite choke to the cable.
If the suggestions above don''t help then one of the sensors could be dead. Try disconnecting all sensors from the unit, then reconnecting them one at a time until you find the one that causes the problem. Once you have isolated the faulty sensor, disconnect it, and the other sensors should work normally.
- How do I connect wires to the Analogue Input ports on my Climate Monitor?
- Each terminal has an upper and lower opening. The wire inserts into the larger, bottom opening. The top one is used to open a spring-loaded jaw that holds the wire in place. To insert the wire, strip at least 1/2` of insulation from the wire ends. Insert a small screwdriver into the upper opening and pry it upwards (to push the blade downwards). The lower jaw should open and you can insert the wire. Remove the screwdriver to allow the jaws to close and grip the wire. N.B The negative ground signal should be connected to the `C` terminal. Positive signal voltage should be connected to a numbered terminal. If the polarity is wrong, it could damage the analogue input ports.
- How can I get the MIB for the unit?
- The MIB can be found in two places. In the header of the unit web page, under Alternate Formats is a link to the MIB, alternatively, a copy of the MIB is included in the firmware zip file.
- I don''t know the IP address of my monitor, how do I access it?
- It depends on which version of the Climate Monitor you have. An easy way to check is to look for an IP Reset button underneath the RJ45 jack. If there is a reset button, click here. If not, click here.
- How do I use the IP Reset button and what does it reset?
The IP Reset button can be used to perform a `simple` reset or a full factory reset. A simple reset will change the following:
Name & Password Settings; Administrator, Control and View-Only accounts will becleared.
Network Settings: will be reset to the default of;
- DHCP Disabled
- IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
- Gateway:
Web Server: will be reset to the default of:
- Protocols: HTTP and HTTPS
- HTTP Port : 80
- HTTPS Port: 443
To perform a simple reset, take a small jewellers screwdriver, or paperclip, press and hold the the switch for about 15-20 seconds, or until both the IDLE and ACTIVITY LED''s light up simultaneously. Release the switch and wait for the LED''s to resume their normal pattern to indicate that the reset process is complete.
- I do not have an IP Reset button, how can I access my Climate Monitor without an IP address?
Your monitor should still be accessible by its factory default IP address of, even if a new IP address has previously been set up for it. You will need to connect directly to the unit via a crossover cable, and configure your NIC settings as follows:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
You should then be able to open a web browser and direct it to From here you will be able to review the IP settings for your monitor.
- How do I telnet to my Climate Monitor?
- The login for telnet uses the username & password for Admin account access. If these fields are blank, you will not be able to login. You can add/amend these values on the Configuration page.
- How do I set up SMS functionality on my Climate Monitor?
- To enable SMS functionality, you must have purchased our extended support package with your Climate Monitor. If you did not, and would like to use SMS alerts, please contact us on +44(0)1491 410913 for a quote. If you do have extended support cover, you can find the instructions here.
- Where is the log data stored?
- Log data is stored in the RAM until it is recorded to an on-board Data Flash memory chip. Once the memory is full, new data is written over the old. The Logs page will tell how much data can be stored before it is overwritten.
- How do I download log data?
- On the Logging page, select the `Click here to download raw log data` link. the log file is in CSV format and will be called `log.csv`. N.B. This download and take quite a while if the logs are large.
- My graphs are not displaying correctly
- This is most commonly caused when the graphing routine cannot recognise or interpret a data point correctly. This can be caused if the monitor is having difficulty connecting to an NTP server. A quick way to check this is to look at the displayed time of the monitors web console (upper left corner). If the time is shown incorrectly or states that there is no NTP service available, this is likely to be the source of your issue.If your NTP settings all look correct, then a simple clearance of the log files usually solves the issue. Don''t forget to download the log files first if you wish to keep the data. This can all be done on the Logging page of the web console. After a few minutes, once enough data has been accumulated, your graphs should come back.
Aggregator Console
- How many Climate Monitors can I monitor at once with the Aggregator Console software?
- It should be able to monitor up to 200 units.
- What kind of load will the Aggregator Console put on my network.
- The load is minimal.
- Does Aggregator Console run as a Windows service?
- Yes
We’re here to help
Please select a Support category to help find the answer to your question, or, if you’re unable to find a solution, please send your request by completing the form below. A member of the team will then be in touch as soon as possible to help you.

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- Microsoft Edge